作者:  来源:  浏览量:616 日期:2024-01-02 

1.办理学习签证所需材料:护照扫描件,学历扫描件,外国人体格检查表,铜仁职业技术学院留学生申请表,个人简历,无犯罪记录证明(非东盟国家及其他发展中国家)。请将所有材料发送至Email: trzygjy@126.com





Documents required for study visa application:

1)     Passport (scanned copy)

2)   Academic record (scanned copy)

3)     Health check form (scanned copy). Please use the health check form we provide you.

4)  College Application Form

Study Visa application requires 30 to 45 days. We’ll keep you updated.

5Curriculum Vitae

6Non-criminal Record

Study Visa is for the purpose of study only. Students are not allowed to use study visa to work or travel. Otherwise the study visa shall be cancelled.

2. 留学生语言生需缴付的费用包括:



Students come to the college pay for the traffic and travelling expenses for themselves. Fees to be charged (CNY): tuition3500, study materials 700, dormitory 1200, health check 300 (to hospital), stay permit 400 (to police station), taking photo for stay permit: 40 (to police station), insurance 600 (to insurance company).

All fees should be paid clear on registration day, otherwise student can’t get stay permit.

3. 学校纪律严明,留学生需按时到课、自习,不允许无故旷课迟到。

Students should follow school regulations and attend class regularly. Unexplained absences are not accepted.

4. 铜仁市属发展中城市,学校离市区约十分钟车程。学生寝室为学生提供基本设施,学生必须校内住宿。

Tongren is a developing city. The campus is about ten minutes away from city by bus. The dormitory provides basic facilities for students. Students should live on campus.

5. 在校期间护照交由学校保管。

Passport is kept by the school during study time.

6. 在校期间留学生若离开铜仁,需在24小时内告知所在地公安机关。

Please inform and register in the local police station within 24 hours of your arrival if you are not in Tongren during your school year.

7. 我校为HSK考点,每年举行多次HSK考试。

The college has HSK center and the test is held here several times each year.



The address of our school is as follows:


AddressNew Campus in Chuan dong, Tongren Polytechnic College, Tongren City, Guizhou Province, P.R.C.

If you come by train, the destination train station is 铜仁(Tongren.

If you come by plane, the destination airport is 铜仁凤凰机场(Tongren Fenghuang Airport)

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